Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm Tierra-ble.

Okay, okay, fine. I guess I'll post my thoughts on this week's episode.
Now that it was almost a week ago.

Selma's Date:
1. "Can you handle all 110 pounds of me?" Omg, you're so fat.
2. She doesn't feel comfortable kissing Sean on national television, but she's okay with laying draped over his entire lap and exposing almost her entire boobs...? Okay, that makes complete sense.
3. I couldn't get over the awkwardness of her laying on Sean. The camera angles, the way her voice got lower, how she had to look straight up to look at him. It was just plain weird.
4. She really IS just a pretty face.

Group Date:
1. Amanda's mouth is ginormous.
2. ABC is cruel. They make us think that there is going to be this intense punching fight between two of the girls, and really, it's just Amanda falling on her face while trying to psyche out the other girls.
3. Sean called off the game, and they had a "snowball" skate session instead.
4. Fast forward to the cocktail party, where all of the sudden Tierra is going crazy over NOTHING, and I'm really confused. You could see the evil in her eyes when she realized that Sean was going to get the rose.
5. The award for the dumbest bachelor goes to Sean. Shallow.

Leslie's Date:
1. Put me to sleep.
2. If she knows what's good for her, she'll sell those diamond earrings AS SOON as she gets back to real life.
3. "Holy moly, Batman".......??
4. Product placement, product placement, product placement.
5. "Okay, Sean. You're going to stand on the balcony. We'll have someone come perform a love song, and towards the end, you're going to casually drop the rose, and we'll film it in slow motion so it looks really dramatic." -Producer

Cocktail Party:
1. Is it just me, or does Amanda just skip getting ready for these events? I mean, come on. That's what my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning.
2. Robin's pick up line made me feel uncomfortable.
3. I thought Amanda was just really bad at putting on her makeup, but then I realized that she had a nasty bruise on her chin.  That's embarassing.
4. I think I know all of the girl's names now!
5. Next week, one of the dates involves an ambulance and Tierra having a seizure... can't wait!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grills and Love.

Guys, we bought ourselves a George Foreman grill yesterday, and let me tell you. It is the most genius thing ever. Here's why: I am, by no means, a homemaker. I pride myself in my grilled cheese sandwiches, and that's just about it. I didn't even know how to cook a frozen chicken breast other than to boil it (I am so ashamed), until this magical thing came into my life. Now, all I have to do it plop a frozen piece on there, and leave it alone for 8 minutes. It's a miracle! 

I'm not lying even a little bit when I say this: I'm pretty sure my work and school schedules perfectly coincide with the UTA and school bus route. On my way to work, if I leave even one minute later than when I usually do, I get stuck behind a school bus that goes 10 miles per hour and makes not one, but two stops before I can get around it. Then, on my way home from work, which is when I'm really pressed for time, I can bet my bottom dollar that I will be behind the UTA bus, or just barely in front of it. The good days are the ones when I beat it. THEN, on my way to school, I am stuck right back behind another UTA bus, this time headed to UVU. This lame coincidence, coupled with my extreme (and I mean it) road rage, is really not the best combination.

Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, but I can usually tell who is a freshman student at UVU, because of how disrespectful they are to the professors, and how they don't take college seriously. It's like they think it's still high school, so they text in their classes and giggle and make fun of other students and the professor. It makes me so upset. This is a university, for crying out loud! I would think that these people are old enough to know how to behave and show some respect. Does anybody else feel this way?

Every day, I try my best to recognize the little things in my life that just make my heart burst with happiness. Yesterday, it was when Gabe and I went grocery shopping. We were trying to decide which sale on Dr. Pepper was the best deal... individual bottles or 2 liters, and we were laughing our faces off because I was trying to do the math on my calculator watch with microscopic buttons. Then we had an impromptu contest to see who could annunciate the ck in the word 'chicken' the most obnoxiously. Then we bought a ridiculous amount of junk food and called it a night. It's times like these when I'm so so so happy to be married to my best friend.

You're the cutest. xoxo. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post about nothing.

this is my new permanent hairstyle, on account of: I hate waking up early, so I take a shower at night, leaving my hair impossibly weird looking, forcing my to put it up. 

I just realized that none of my posts from this year have had any pictures, how lame is that? I'll be posting wedding pictures as soon as I get them, I promise!! Gabe and I should take more pictures together. 

The church is true, because we are good, so we get surprise late wedding gifts when we need them most.

We need groceries. And by groceries, I mean ice cream and chips and dr. pepper.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week Three.

I seriously get so excited when Monday night comes around.

Lesley & Sean 'kiss' was just plain awkward. I don't know what it was... Sean's hand grazing her bum, almost exposing it to the entire national television because her skirt was so teeny, or the sappy commentaries they both made about each other "being a really good kisser". Puh-lease. Your lips didn't move even a little bit.

Later that evening, as they sat on a couch in the middle of nowhere.... (weird, right?), I laughed out loud when Sean said "You're the only person I want to break records with." Psh, you break the record for the most slobbery kiss each and every time you make out with a new girl.

I have to admit, I laughed when Tierra read 2 names off the date card. I thought it was a funny little joke, am I evil? Because obviously, Tierra is. I laughed when she said "FINALLY, I get to open the date card," along with an eye roll. Your life is so hard.

Amanda's one-on-one time was just weird. Other than the fact that her teeth take up 75% of her face, she was practically planning her wedding to Sean.

Oh, the classic bachelor mistake... never, ever, ever, ever tattle on one of the other girls. It happens in every season, and it always ends badly. Don't these girls ever learn?!?! Kacie B, of all people show know that by now. Although I fully understand that this was all scripted by ABC so that they didn't have to keep paying Kacie to be on the show, I did not appreciate Sean's bratty attitude towards her. He called her a "crazy person," and he was just flat out rude.

On the same note, what was with Kacie's puffy, crying eyes?! I mean, I have my fair share of meltdowns, and I know for a fact that when you cry before you go to sleep, you wake up and your eyes have tripled in size. This is the only logical explanation. You could tell she was drunk, and her voice started to really sound like a chain smoker.

Tierra must cause drama, so she throws herself down the stairs, pretends to be dead, and then magically recovers when Sean comes in to see what's wrong. They then proceed to giggle on a lounge chair, and I have to say, it was rude of Sean to stay so long.

Other than the fact that AshLee wore 6 inch heels to an amusement park, and her dress was the same color as her skin, I thought their date was cute. Props to ABC and Sean for being so caring.

The cocktail party was just a bore. I don't know if the girls realize how pathetic they sound when they're all whining, "UH, she has talked to him twice already, and I haven't even talked to him once! *pouty face*". It reminds me of me and my siblings when we were children.

Taryn went home because she's too old for Sean, and Kristy went home because she threw a temper tantrum after she lost the volleyball match. (Oh, and obviously Kacie, because she's a crazy person.)

I'm excited for Tierra's drama next week. The end.

Monday, January 21, 2013


there's this thing called: I suck at blogging.

Last week was so great because pretty much all we did was watch The King of Queens, which is our favorite favorite show!!! We got the entire series on DVD as a late wedding present, and let me tell you what! It's the 5th best thing that's ever happened to me. There's just something so great about snuggling with your love under a really warm blanket and laughing your faces off.

I've been trying all of these new recipes, and it's really starting to tick me off because how the heck am I supposed to make meals every single day?!?! Groceries are so gosh dang expensive. Also, I would recommend that you don't try recipes from cookbooks that are older than your grandparents, because I bet you that back then, they didn't care what food tasted like... I'm serious, I gagged on the broccoli cheese soup I made.

You know what? I'm so glad that we live so close to both of our families. I love how I can call up my best friend sister, Melanie and be like "get over here right now" and she says "nooo..." and then she comes over anyways because she loves me and it takes like 2.5 seconds to get here. I love having parties with my other family, because they are all so wonderful. I totally lucked out in the in-law department.

I thought I would have all the time in the world to do my homework this semester, but it turns out that I have to clean our house and make food and watch tv and do other responsible adult-like things.. so please bless that I will get good grades.

I am wearing Gabe's socks today because all of mine are dirty. Oh my heck, I forgot that we need to do laundry. Wonderful.

I stopped writing in my journal a couple of weeks before I got engaged, which I kind of hate myself for, so I'm going to be writing a few stories in the next couple of weeks, because I want to get them out of my head before they disappear into thin air, plus typing is way faster than my immaculate penmanship. Oh, and we should be getting our wedding pictures back pretty soon!! I'm excited for that.

Okay, my homework is calling me. over and out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Bach. Week 2.

Okay, since when is a helicopter ride the most unheard of thing on the bachelor?! These girls are so dumb. Oh, and I love how there is always... ALWAYS a date that involves some sort of really tall building activity. Free-falling, bun-jee jumping, climbing, etc etc. So original, ABC.

Sarah is milking her non-disability to the maximum. I think everyone is over it. She has a monotone voice and always looks like she's falling asleep.

I also wonder what they do in between the "day-dates" and the "dinner-dates"... Oh wait, they get their make-up reapplied, duh. Also, they stay up so dang late the night before so they probably don't start their dates until like 3pm.

Group dates make me cringe. Congratulations to the model who won the modeling contest. I never saw it coming. She practically peed her pants on camera. I'm surprised they didn't let Kristy massage baby oil into Sean's chiseled abs. That would have been entirely too painful to watch.

Blonde Lesley is my favorite, even if she did have a little bit too much to drink. She's quirky and I think she'll make it at least to the top 4, if not farther.

Tierra has crazy eyes, and when she laughs, it makes me want to vomit.

Bilingual Selma is gorgeous, but she's awkward.

Robyn brought up race, and Sean played it so cool. Good one, ABC, that script was genius.

Yoga Katie's hair needed to calm the heck down. She seemed genuinely not interested in being on the show anymore. She was probably just afraid of what some of the other crazies were going to do to her.

Kacie B's legs are the size of my arms. That is not okay. She has this sort of weird, creepy smile that she throws out there sometimes. I'm glad she got the rose, mainly because it just added fuel to the fire that is growing inside of Tierra.

Drunk Daniella bugs me. Can these girls please just be a little bit more classy, for crying out loud!?

Vegan Catherine is funny, but she looks like she's twelve years old.

Desiree is my pick. She seems like the most normal one, and I love how she laughed when the fake artwork got broken. I would have started crying, probably. Chris Harrison was getting WAAAAY too into that prank, though.

Ahhhh, the cocktail party. Amanda is obviously on her period, and shops at Forever 21. Oh, and her teeth are huge. That about sums it up.

This season is already too good. I'm betting that next week, Tierra falls down the stairs and then blames one of the other girls.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Good, Bad, Awkward

Good: I woke up next to the most adorable sleepy face. It just kills me, it's so cute.

Bad: I woke up before Gabe, and he isn't exactly in the cuddliest mood when I wake him up to snuggle.

Good: I got ready really fast and snuggled him anyway.

Bad: 0 degrees, srrsly?

Good: I was on time to work.

Good: I finally have a job that I enjoy and the people don't hate me.

Good: I ate an entire sleeve of cherry lifesavers.

Bad: I was stressed because I only have 25 minutes between work and school. Today, I had to buy a stupid parking permit (UVU parking is a joke, but it's actually not that funny).

Good: I had time to eat some ramen and kiss my sweet husband.

Awkward: I walked halfway across campus with a toothpick flosser thing hanging out of my mouth. How embarrassing.

Good: My professor didn't know that I didn't read the assignment. Score.

Awkward: People staring at me as I eat my snack. I was running late, okay? I only had time to grab the jar of Nutella, some crackers, and a spoon.

Good: I can park here now and not live in fear of getting a ticket.

Bad: I need to go grocery shopping, but I don't get paid until tomorrow.

Bad: I have to do homework today.

Good: It's Monday. IT'S MONDAY AGAIN!!!! :))))))))))))))

Good: I'm alive.

Good: I'm married to my best friend forever :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

some things...

Tomorrow is friday?! YES. I'm so glad this week is over. I started school on Monday, and I can't say that I'm thrilled to have to do homework again... however, I did score some of the best professors at UVU.

Having only one car is really awesome when you're not married. When you are married, it's just a pain. I wish we had the same schedules and the same places to go at the same times. It's fun to dream.

I love my husband because he cleans the kitchen while I'm at work. Also, when I get home from work, I come in to see his peeking up over the couch at me :) it's the cutest thing.

Today, I tried to unlock our apartment door with my car key...

We love our precious little basement apartment, but let me tell you... it might as well be like we're living in the same house as our landlords. Basically, they are all musical geniuses who play every instrument. Sometimes it's really nice when we wake up to a beautiful song being played on the piano, or someone playing hymns softly on Sunday mornings... but sometimes, practicing the same 5 notes over and over as loud as musically possible makes me a little peeved. 'Specially when I have a dang headache from not getting enough sleep and eating too many peanut butter bars.

Finding out that all 200 episodes of That '70s Show are on Netflix does not help my 'beginning-of-the-semester-let's-do-this!' attitude about school.

I want to have a baby to cuddle and take care of, but I don't want to push it out of me. (tmi?)

Pay your tithing, because when you do, you will get more wedding cards with cash in them that makes buying ink for your dumb printer stress-free!

There's this thing called: I cry over silly things.

Husband gets off work in 45 minutes and we have no food to eat.

I'm going to my mom's house because I just can't take this nonsense anymore.
*shakes fist angrily at the ceiling/people upstairs

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Monday is my favorite day.

Can we all please take a moment to soak up the absurdity of The Bachelor? I mean, people. This show is the greatest. For the next 10 weeks, if anyone tries to contact me on Monday nights between 7:00 and 9:00 PM, they can be sure that they won't reach me. Okay, I'm a little bit dramatic, no? no. I'm not.

First of all, which one is named Ashley? ummmm, that one, that one, that one, that one, aaaaand that one.

Racial diversity on The Bachelor? What?!

Props to ABC for bring Arie back... I wonder how much they paid him. It was almost painful to watch him try and explain his kissing secrets to Sean. I was just waiting for them to start practicing with each other.

50 Shades of Crazy... enough said.

Wedding dress girl.... I forget her name. I think it's safe to guess Ashley? That seems to be a common theme. (okay, I just looked it up. her name is Lindsey.) Hey, why don't you drink some more? I'm happy he kept her. From the looks of the previews, she goes far.

KACIE B!!!! yay. favorite from Ben's season, but she always has the same 3 facial expressions.

I love how they change the rules and all of the girls are like "WHHHHAAAAT??!?! CAN HE DO THAT, LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!". It's like.... I would bet 50 cents that you have seen every episode of the bachelor, and know that they never have a season without changing the rules. so dumb.

Back hand stand girl was entertaining. She almost broke her neck on national television, AND her bra was showing. Double trouble.

Throughout the entire episode, I was saying "He's gonna send her home because she's different."

The preview for this season has me completely hooked, not that I wouldn't have been without it. I cannot wait for next week.

Happy Monday, but it's really Wednesday.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Welcome to our new blog. OUR new blog. 'cause, you know, we're married now.

I have a feeling that this year is going to be one of the best and one of the most challenging years of our lives. People say that the first year of marriage is the hardest... so far it's been a breeze, so we will see. We've been slackers for the past few weeks, because we can. We haven't made any new years resolutions, even though I want to, and I love setting goals. Gabe is at work right now, so I'm just gonna go ahead and make some up.. some for me and some for us.

- I want to get straight A's in school this year. Last semester I was a big time slacker because I was planning my wedding and had absolutely no motivation to go to class and/or do homework and study. I'm pretty sure I still got like a 3.8, but that's just because I'm an awesome student. (it's something I'm really proud of about myself, guys.) So, I guess my real resolution should be "No more procrastinating!" yeah, that's more like it.

- We have a resolution to have daily scripture study and prayers. We also want to go to the temple at least 2 times per month. We both really love the temple, so I think this one will be a piece of cake.

- I would love for both of us to write in a journal at least once a week. I used to write in my journal every single night when I was in jr. high and high school. I stopped around the time I got engaged... how terrible, huh? I have like 8 journals that I've filled every page  (and let me tell you, that is some entertaining stuff). I would even tape things in there. It was kind of like a scrapbook, and I loved it. I loved doing it. I want to start that again, but this time with my other half.

- Watch The Bachelor every single Monday night. I'm joking... kind of......

- This one is super important to my dad me. We want to stick to a budget every month this year. My dad has always taught me so well how to manage my money, and to save and be frugal (even though I have really poor judgement when it comes to buying clothes... and earrings... and food... and everything else). I know he would just love to see us sticking to a budget every month, and I would too.

- I desperately need to learn how to cook. Gabe probably thinks I'm a culinary genius, because we've been married for like 2.5 seconds, and I've already made every recipe I know. If I don't start learning, pretty soon I'm going to revert back to my college days, and by that I mean my single college days, and our freezer will be full of frozen pizza and fruit snacks will count as a healthy snack.

- Pay it forward. This resolution came about a couple of weeks after we got married. We were grocery shopping at Walmart (ps the worst place in the entire world).. I was complaining about how dang much cheese costs... seriously, isn't it just crazy expensive?!?! I was hardly paying attention, but there was a lady next to me who apparently heard my comment, and she asked me "do you need help paying for your groceries?!" I politely said no, and continued towards the chocolate milk. When we got up to the checkout, she was in the lane next to us, and she sent her adorable daughter over with a 20 dollar bill in her hands. I was so shocked. I tried to give it back, but she refused. She simply said "Merry Christmas. Pay it forward!" Tears came into my eyes. What a nice person!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be a nice person too.

So there you have it. my first year as a married woman. let's see how this goes.
I'm gonna go eat some peanut butter bars now.

p.s. watch the bachelor.