Sunday, December 18, 2011

I haven't posted in 8 days.

I know, I'm a bad person.

the semester is THROUGH.

I left Cedar City on Thursday afternoon.
it was so nice to say goodbye to the hotel.
that's my Ben & Jerry's that's been out there since... 
a long time.
I left it there.

I love being home.

Thursday, I went shopping at Target.
I got some things for myself that I need for next semester,
but I wrapped them up and they're under the christmas tree.

then I saw my BFF Victoria :]
it was a fun time.

Friday, we went to the J.Wride concert, it was amazing.

<3 <3

Saturday, basically all day:

today, I went to wonderful church,
and then we watched Dennis the Menace.
oh, how I love this movie...

"are you serious..?"
hahahahahahaahahahahahaha <3

oh. and guess what?

Tuesday morning at 8:00am,
Gabe and myself will reunite :)
<3 <3 <3

these are our 
"OMG, it's almost here" 
faces. <3

we're really excited to see each other :)

tomorrow, I'll be working all day.
that way I will stay busy.
and not lose my head.

maybe I will keep my blog updated these next 2 weeks...
but come on.
let's be realistic.

I'll probably post again on January 2nd.
and it will be a great one.
so be patient, readers.
expect lots of pictures.
and lots of love.

okay, bye until the 2nd, probs.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

my life is boring.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while..

finally, classes are over. also, work.

I've spent the past 48 hours in my room.....


I'm so bored.

and so very hungry. I haven't had a decent meal since Thursday.

I move my stuff into my new place on Thursday. 
maybe Wednesday night.

and I leave Cedar City, FINALLY, on Thursday at approximately 1:30pm. I AM SO EXCITED.

then..... THEN!!! on December 20, 2011, this will happen to me:

:_) I'm so excited... :)

so, that's my exciting life right now.


warning: from here on out, this blog post will probably only appeal to one person in particular, maybe two, maybe three.
read it if you want.

Alexis, here is your shout out:
 you didn't watch that video, did you? 
I didn't think so. 
scroll back up and WATCH IT forcryingoutloud.
no, seriously, go watch it.
you hate this post so far, huh? 
let's see if I can interest you by writing a long post about how I feel about something...

how do I feel about.....................
I can't think of anything.

I'll just write a story.

once upon a time, there was a girl named.... Aleesass (pronounced uh-LEE-suss). She was not your average college freshman. She was a little bit awkward, and she had a weird obsession with popcorn and a boy named.... Jaqueline. during her stay at Jupiter hall, she became friends with an incredibly witty, hilarious, awesome, humble girl named.... Amelia (pronounced uh-MEE-lee-yuh). together, they suffered through many obstacles, including constantly being fed horrible food that even a dog wouldn't touch, and being thrown out on the street in the middle of winter. 
one time, Aleesass stopped coming to math class every day. Amelia started to worry. Aleesass told her that she was convinced she would fail out of math class. Amelia was having none of that, so she gave an inspirational speech to Aleesass, in the form of a made-up tale, who then realized her amazing potential and aced her final exam.
then they both lived happily ever after.
Amelia in her tiny house on the east coast with 3 kittens,
and Aleesass in Valdosta, Georgia with Jaqueline.

the end.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


wool socks.
wool socks.
hand warmers.

-2 degrees?
bring it on.
I hate the cold.

I also hate math. and when my blog format is going crazy.

but I love Gabe :)

and this song.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


on Friday, I went to a christmas choir concert.
it made me miss being in choir.... er.. singing.
I never sing anymore, it's depressing.

after that, we went to see santa.
except the 4 of us couldn't all sit on his lap, 
so we had to sit on the couch.

it was a fun time.

I also went to Walmart to get cash back,
so I bought a pint of my beloved Ben & Jerry's.
I thought, "my freezer doesn't work, but I can put it outside on the balcony and it will stay frozen."
I was wrong.
for some reason, it melted.
and now it's soiled.
and I am very upset.
extremely upset.

Saturday was a very productive day.
alas, I have found a place to live next semester.

remember that one time when I moved into a house for one night?
my new place is right next door.
and it's owned by the same landlord.
it was slightly awkward calling him back..
"um, hi. remember me? the one that had a panic attack and bailed on you? yeah, I want to rent a room."
he was nice though.

I paid the deposit yesterday.
then I went there to hang out with my new roommates.

this is my new home. it's called "Annie's Cottage".

it's so cute.


I really want to play the cello.
why, you ask?
because I discovered this band:

and they are amazing. and now I want to play the cello.

if anyone has a cello that they want to give to me as a gift, it would be greatly appreciated.

today, I decided that I am going to volunteer in another country. Thailand, Romania, or South Africa.

isn't that amazing? I can't wait to go.

okay, I have to go to sleep now.

goodbye, readerz.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm dumb.

today is December first. I knew it was going to be COLD today.
however, I did not expect 4 feet of snow.
I didn't feel like doing my hair this morning, so naturally, I put it in a bun. 
I was like, "ehhhhh, I only have to work for one hour today, I don't need my hat."


I didn't look outside before I left my room, and I was in a hurry, so when I saw the winter winds and snow flurries, I didn't have time to prepare my poor self. 

so I grabbed my umbrella... ha. it's okay to laugh at me.

not 5 seconds after I opened my umbrella, it folded itself inside out in such a way that I could not fold it back up. so I just crumpled it. great.

so I walked the 2 blocks to campus like this

(everyone in the living room just watched me take this picture. awkward.)

when I got to work, everyone felt bad for me, so a nice woman in the office let me wrap her wool scarf around my head. 

I'm not gonna lie, it looked pretty dang cute. (sarcasm)
I wish I had a picture.

so, THEN. I had to walk in between each individual car and brush off the bottom right corner of their windshield to find their parking permit.

then I slipped and fell down in a snow bank. it was humiliating.
and so very cold.

then I spotted a girl who was brushing the 3 feet of snow off her car, and I helped her out. because I had a snow scraper.
she was appreciative.

Melanie- I thought of this quote this morning:

"you know what, Santa didn't have a bike, but I'm still happy of him."

:) :) :) let's watch that again when I come home, okay?

I only got through 2 parking lots. I hate winter.
I hate snow. I hate the cold.

oh. and guess what else? I went to get some hot chocolate after work, AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY :[

now I'm skipping class because I don't want to walk to the building. I'm so dumb.

also, I'm sitting on the floor against the wall again...
my scoliosis is getting worse.


p.s. look what I found in my bathroom?

it was huge. as big as my thumb nail.
I can't wait to come home.