Wednesday, November 30, 2011


today has been an excellent day!!!!

yay! I'm writing in big font. because I can.

when I woke up, I felt like I had been asleep for eight years. what's wrong with me?

it's still warm, even though it's December (basically.)

the new J.Wride album is on iTunes and I just downloaded it. I'm their number one fan.

they're amazing. if you haven't seen them live, I would highly recommend it.

here are a few things I'd like to point out:

1) males should not wear flip flops. never. it's gross. it's revolting. also, it's winter. flip flops are for JULY.

2) "goucho" pants are not in style any more.

3) 19 days <3

4) haha.

okay, I have to go to class.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

mondays... and tuesdays..

between 7:00am on Monday and 4:00pm today, I have been so full of stress.
HOWEVER, I've decided to be optimistic, and I'll only poing out the happy, good things that happened to me for the past few days. that's so good of me.

things that were good on Monday

1) I wasn't extremely tired when I woke up at 6:47am. that's miracle, because usually I feel like I would rather die than wake up early.

2) got 4 whole pages... double spaced!... of my essay done, AND studied for my psychology quiz all in 3 hours. 
in my favorite spot in the basement of the library :)

3) I didn't have anxiety and start crying all over the place. that's what usually happens when I get stressed.

4) went to math... WOAH. you didn't see that one coming, did you?
the reason that this is a good thing is because we got our tests back.....



then I got outta class early. wow, what a great math experience.

5) I ate lunch in the cafeteria, and the chicken noodle soup was delicious.

6) I went to work... crazy, I know. I was excited because I can't listen to music while I do homework, because I just get distracted and want to sing like I'm on glee.. so I was happy to go to work and just walk around and have an excuse to listen to my music. and it was the perfect weather, too.

7) did good on my psych quiz.

8) Skype date with Gabe :) <3

9) I fell asleep within an hour. I'm convinced that I have onset insomnia, and it usually takes me FOREVER to fall asleep. ha.

things that were good Today

1) I realized that I'm not as stupid as the computer lab assistant that attempted (and horribly failed) to help me print my 20 pages of english assignments.

2) it took me 3 minutes to walk to english. I had 5. I almost collapsed. I really didn't want to be late.

3) I was one of 5 people in a class of 30 who ACTUALLY did their essay..... and now I'm ahead of the game, and I don't have to worry about my essay anymore!!! that's the best news of the day!

other things that I'm thankful for




the best (and handsomest <3) boyfriend in all the land :)

20 days :) :) :) :)


the end :)

goodbye, all :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

it's time... Thanksgiving Break.

hello, readers. 
it's time for you to read all about what I did from Tuesday through Saturday.


I woke up too early to go to work at 8:00am.
I left Cedar City at 9:00amish

and we drove home. and I love road trips.

THEN I WAS HOME. action shot of my mommy coming to greet me :)
I blurred out the house number, so people can't stalk my house.

when I got home, though, there was nothing to do because my best friend was still in school. so I cuddled with Gracie for an hour :)

she was not cooperating. I kept telling her to look cute, but she kinda looks like she wants to die.

then, I did laundry :)
she's so cute.


so we took Gracie on a ride :)

 heh <3

 (dirty window)

then we went to animal ark.
I almost passed out.
here's why:

cutest thing I've ever seen.
I had the employees convinced I was clinically insane.

when the night came, we hung out with my best cousin Morgan :]
we went planking.
around town.

drinking fountain plank.

elevator plank.

illegal ice cold water fountain plank.

p.s. they almost lost their feet in this adventure.

wall plank.

then it got cold. 
so we went home.


went to a potluck lunch partay at my old work place.
gourmet popcorn.
as much as I hated working there,
I miss that place. 
but mostly I miss stuffing my face with popcorn.
and making fun of stupid customers.

then I went bowling with my 
BFF Victoria :]
and her broth.
it was such a fun time.
I almost won.
but I lost.
by 12 points.
I only got one gutter ball, which is AMAZING of me, 
considering I always use bumpers when I bowl.

action shot.

then we were sneaky and had to come up with some excuses to get us out of something, and everything went well until we felt guilty. so we told the truth.

then I had a sleepover with my sister Lindsay <3


it was Thanksgiving Day.
I watched the parade, as always.
then I did stuff...
called raking leaves.

the best part was that I was still in my pajamas, which consisted of red shorts and a teal t-shirt.
then I put on pink and grey striped knee-high socks.
and a peacoat. and tie-dye crocs.
it was such a cute outfit.
I thought we were only raking leaves in the backyard..............

we ate at 3. 
which means 4.

it was delicious. 
great thanksgiving.

Mel's food baby.

thanksgiving night, 
we went to get a redbox movie(s).

then me and Morgan thought it would be a fun time to sneak the car keys and make a trip to Walmart "real quick".
HA. no.

here is the story of Walmart:

I wanted ice cream.
BEN AND JERRY'S ice cream.
when we got there, the place was crazy busy.
we were like "oh yeah, black friday, great."
I went to the ice cream isle and my heart sank.
there was a line of people and yellow tape everywhere.
so I started slowly lifting up the tape, waiting for someone to tell me no, and sure enough, a short little creepy man came up RIGHT INTO MY PERSONAL SPACE
(seriously, I couldn't even be subtle about inching away from him)
and he said, 
"you can't go down that isle."
I was like, "WHAT?"
and he's like, "no shopping."
and I was like, "oh, I just want ice cream."
and he said, "no."
so Morgan was trying to calm me down and told me to just get the ice cream that was in the end-of-the-isle freezer.
you know, the crappy kind?
I was like, "I want Ben & Jerry's. I came for Ben & Jerry's and I INTEND to leave the store with it."
so this is what I did:
I stood in front of the people lined up and said,
"excuse me? umm, can anybody fetch me a pint of Ben & Jerry's?"
a good samaritan said, "yeah, what kind?"
"cake batter."
when I had it in my hands, I started to walk away, and the creepy man said "that's one way of doing it."
then proceeded to explain to me WHY he wouldn't let me cross, all the while inching closer and closer to my face.
it was so weird.
the end.
oh, wait, that was only the ice cream.
Morgan wanted chips.
so we went to the chip isle.
there was nobody even in the isle, but a woman was blocking it.
and she would not let us get chips.
she wouldn't let us shop at all.
so I said, "uhh, can you get it for us?"
AND SHE WAS LIKE, "umm... I don't know, maybe." 
just standing there looking at the chips on the shelf.
nobody in the isle.
no line, no nothing.
it was crazy.
but then she got them for us.
then Morgan decided she wanted something else, that little rascal.
then the girl at the checkout was scanning our items faster than the speed of light.
but there was nobody behind us.
so I got my precious ice cream.

the end.
of the Walmart story.

people, don't be afraid to break a social norm.
it's fun.

when we got back, we watched

and then

then I fell asleep.


I went shopping.
it was pretty uneventful.

then I watched 

with my dad.
it was so good.
I love it, actually.
I want to watch it again.


I slept slept slept. 
and then tried to do my stupid english essay.
nothing came out of my brain.
so I started decorating my house for christmas.

and me and Mel gave Gracie a bath because her hair got greasy.

she hates baths.

I'm surprised she didn't claw my face off in my sleep.

I am dead. she's so cute.

then went shopping again, at target, my favorite store.
I got most of my christmas shopping done. 
plus, a little something for myself called 
for only $3.99 :]
I wrapped it and put it under the tree for myself.

then I got stress in my life because of my essay.
so I worked on it for 2 hours.
and then finished decorating the tree.

I love it.


church <3
wrapping presents

we're eating dinner at 5
and I'm leaving at 6 :( :( :(
no, I don't want to go back.

okay, bye.
this post is extremely long.

p.s. quotes from t-break:

"he has a child? is it legitimate? does he have a mother? is she in the picture?"

"I love you so much." "WHICH ONE?!?!"

"I made her clean the bird poop off of my car."

"whenever I beat her up, she laughs. and mom yells."

"Where are you getting these?! your own human brain?"

"you MEMORIZE your socks?!?!?!?!?!"

<3 I love my family.
I love the holidayzz.

Friday, November 25, 2011

coming soon...

It's been an eventful break so far.
I'm compiling pictures from all... most things.
and I will post a great big long post on Sunday night.
I promise.
It will be worth the wait.
I thought I should just check in so you guys don't worry about me and if I am still alive and well.

okay, bye.

see you Sunday night.



Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm awesome.

(brace yourself for an unorganized post)

I do not spend my Saturday night like most college folk.
I woke up at noon today. I love sleeping in. 
it's the best when you don't have to wake up to an alarm.

as soon as I was conscious, my body reminded me that I hadn't eaten in about 15 hours. so I had a cinnamon roll. and juice. it was delish.

then I watched a few episodes of That 70's Show. 
(Netflix controls my weekends)

then I shaved my legs. it had been a really long time.
I was using "no shave november" as an excuse for being lazy, but every time I put pants on, it was like all of my hairs were being pulled out. ouch. TMI?

I just took this picture. my hair is so bloody long:
you love my cute/creeptastic half smile.

then I watched House Hunters International.
I want to travel so bad. 
also, I love houses.

then I had a stroke of productivity and cleaned/organized my room. 
including the bathroom. and I hate cleaning the bathroom.
my moth and fath would be so proud.

so, my hair falls out. a lot. as a result, is a ton of hair on the floor in front of the sink. (nast, I know) and I have no idea how to get my hands on the vacuum, so I had the BRILLIANT idea to take my lint roller to the carpet.

 on account of: I spent the next 3 minutes dry-heaving. 
that was the end of me cleaning...

I'm obsessed with my apple spice febreeze. 
it smells like christmas :)

now I'm listening to 'N Sync and Avril Lavigne and blogging.

so, why would I leave my apartment when I can spend it alone doing stuff that I actually enjoy? 

I feel like this picture describes my life perfectly, except for I would never be at a party in the first place. but still.  

I have this little whiteboard that's stuck to my headboard with sticky tack, but it's not strong enough to hold it up for very long. so it falls off about 3 times per day. 
but I put it back up each and every time.
for the past 2 weeks.
that's really silly of me, huh?

this is my dinner tonight. holler.
oh, also, I really want a kitten.
I just died a little bit.

okay, have a great night, people.

p.s. exactly one month. 30 daysssssssssss <3 <3 <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

can't do my homework...

without writing all of this down first.

okay, fine, I'm just making up excuses....

I finally got my old ipod to work. it has over 1000 songs on it. 
there are some real treasures on here... this is probably one of the best parts of my week. I didn't realize how much I missed my old music...... oh, the memories :'(

this one reminds me of last winter, driving in the car with Gabe, going to work, being cold all the time.... :)

this one reminds me of like... the summer before high school. driving around and doing stupid things like hang out at Walmart and go to Spoon Me. haha, good times.

ahh, this one reminds me of the summer after junior year, when I would go to work every single day in the blazing hot, and then hang out with Gabe every night :) that was such a good summer :)

hahahhahahaha, this song reminds me of my trip to New York in 7th grade to visit my cousin, Morgan. hahahahahahaha, we had some GOOD times. 
"Cooler Than Me"
"Love The Way You Lie"
"We'll Be A Dream"
"Just A Dream"
"Just The Way You Are"
"Love Like Woe"
allllll remind me of senior year. haha.

 beginning of senior year. hahahahahahaha.

reminds me of Gabe, because I would always sing it to him.. "why'd you have to be so cute? it's impossible to ignore you. must you make me laugh so much? it's bad enough we get along so well. SAY GOODNIGHT AND GO." because we would always take forevs to say goodnight, cute, huh?

ahhhhh, I love my ipod.

here's some more random things:

I saw a girl wearing flip flops today. FLIP FLOPS
hey, it's November, in case you hadn't noticed.

the blueberry muffins from outtakes are probably the most delicious things ever. I have at least one per day. mmm.

my excitement keeps building and building. only 33 more days.
THAT IS NOT EVEN THAT MANY DAYS. alskdjhfalksjdhfalkdh.

it's almost the weekend. FINALLY. 

I still haven't done my laundry.....

I should be doing homework right now.

should I transfer to UVU next semester????????

okay, I have to go to class. dang it.

bye, people who read this.