Monday, January 14, 2013

Good, Bad, Awkward

Good: I woke up next to the most adorable sleepy face. It just kills me, it's so cute.

Bad: I woke up before Gabe, and he isn't exactly in the cuddliest mood when I wake him up to snuggle.

Good: I got ready really fast and snuggled him anyway.

Bad: 0 degrees, srrsly?

Good: I was on time to work.

Good: I finally have a job that I enjoy and the people don't hate me.

Good: I ate an entire sleeve of cherry lifesavers.

Bad: I was stressed because I only have 25 minutes between work and school. Today, I had to buy a stupid parking permit (UVU parking is a joke, but it's actually not that funny).

Good: I had time to eat some ramen and kiss my sweet husband.

Awkward: I walked halfway across campus with a toothpick flosser thing hanging out of my mouth. How embarrassing.

Good: My professor didn't know that I didn't read the assignment. Score.

Awkward: People staring at me as I eat my snack. I was running late, okay? I only had time to grab the jar of Nutella, some crackers, and a spoon.

Good: I can park here now and not live in fear of getting a ticket.

Bad: I need to go grocery shopping, but I don't get paid until tomorrow.

Bad: I have to do homework today.

Good: It's Monday. IT'S MONDAY AGAIN!!!! :))))))))))))))

Good: I'm alive.

Good: I'm married to my best friend forever :)

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