Now that it was almost a week ago.
1. "Can you handle all 110 pounds of me?" Omg, you're so fat.
2. She doesn't feel comfortable kissing Sean on national television, but she's okay with laying draped over his entire lap and exposing almost her entire boobs...? Okay, that makes complete sense.
3. I couldn't get over the awkwardness of her laying on Sean. The camera angles, the way her voice got lower, how she had to look straight up to look at him. It was just plain weird.
4. She really IS just a pretty face.
Group Date:
1. Amanda's mouth is ginormous.
2. ABC is cruel. They make us think that there is going to be this intense punching fight between two of the girls, and really, it's just Amanda falling on her face while trying to psyche out the other girls.
3. Sean called off the game, and they had a "snowball" skate session instead.
4. Fast forward to the cocktail party, where all of the sudden Tierra is going crazy over NOTHING, and I'm really confused. You could see the evil in her eyes when she realized that Sean was going to get the rose.
5. The award for the dumbest bachelor goes to Sean. Shallow.
Leslie's Date:
1. Put me to sleep.
2. If she knows what's good for her, she'll sell those diamond earrings AS SOON as she gets back to real life.
3. "Holy moly, Batman".......??
4. Product placement, product placement, product placement.
5. "Okay, Sean. You're going to stand on the balcony. We'll have someone come perform a love song, and towards the end, you're going to casually drop the rose, and we'll film it in slow motion so it looks really dramatic." -Producer
Cocktail Party:
1. Is it just me, or does Amanda just skip getting ready for these events? I mean, come on. That's what my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning.
2. Robin's pick up line made me feel uncomfortable.
3. I thought Amanda was just really bad at putting on her makeup, but then I realized that she had a nasty bruise on her chin. That's embarassing.
4. I think I know all of the girl's names now!
5. Next week, one of the dates involves an ambulance and Tierra having a seizure... can't wait!