Saturday, October 15, 2011

what a great day :]

today was wonderful.
basically everything about today was good.
why, you ask?

1] didn't even set my alarm. I woke up when I felt like it.

2] I ate breakfast at home instead of at the stupid dining hall :] I had Apple Blasts and a honey wheat bagel with strawberry cream cheese. and milk. yum.

3] I took my sweet time getting ready. no rush.

4] started out for the Cedar City public library. the "Library in the Park". it's in the middle of a park. I love it.

5] walked past the cutest bed & breakfast ever.

6] had a nice, leisurely stroll to the library. 

I walked mostly in the shade and talked to my best friend, Melanie the whole way :]
can't wait until Wednesday, when she comes down to visit me :]

7] checked out 9 audiobooks. they barely fit in my cute backpack.

8] walked across the street to Lin's... got 10 dollars in quarters for my laundry, and on the way out..........

FREE KITTENS!!!!! :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :(
I wanted this little guy so bad :( so cute! :)

9] had no issues with doing my laundry today. usually I have some sort of traumatic laundry room experience... 
our laundry room looks like a crime scene. and it is. 
one time a criminal stole my quarter right outta my hands.

10] all of my clothes are clean. and so are my sheets.

11] paint by numbers. I love this thing.

it's going to take me a long time to finish... 

10] Netflix is the greatest. also Pinterest.

11] really great phone call with Gabe :] made my happy :]

12] ate more ice cream. and a popsicle to soothe my sore throat.

13] downloading iOS 5 on my iPhone. yaaaay!

best day ever.

well, maybe not EVER, but it was pretty good.

the only sucky thing about today is this:
my body lied to me. yesterday I thought I was all better, but today my throat is itchy and scratchy. so wonderful.

if I am too sick to do open mic night on Wednesday, I'm going to be VERY upset. VERY.


I love good days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey what about the nice conversation you had with your loving parents?!?!?
