Wednesday, October 26, 2011

snow, what the?

yesterday was blazing hot!
but not today...

I'm not complaining. I have been waiting for it to get cold.

today while I was walking out to parking lot A4, 
I was looking at my phone and ran right into a low hanging tree limb. it hurt. and I got snow all over my face and my phone.

and then my fingers froze because I forgot gloves.

yay: class got canceled for Friday.

Alyssass, this blog is short, get over it. but here is your shout out:

a life raft. you followed him on a life raft. lololol.


I went to Walmart tonight also.

here is what I purchased:

-mint chocolate marshmallow hot chocolate
-mittens with a finger flap for easy finger-tip access
-purple thermals...... yeah.
-paintbrushes. I only needed one, but they did not sell them like that.
-the usual: 2 pints of ben & jerry's... I really shouldn't.
-milk. 2% to be exact
-and I printed out pictures to put on my wall. it looks real cute with them all up :]

oh. and I also got rain boots via target back home.

they were sold out online and there is no Target in my lil' town :( which is such a downer because Target is my fave store.

I love the cold. for now, at least.

oh, and Skype is the greatest thing. <3 :)

bye :]

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