Thursday, October 27, 2011

post #21

I can never come up with clever titles.

today was just weird.

A) I got homesick for the first time since I moved out.
I miss Orem. that place is so good. I miss Ernie's. I miss my car. I miss my sisters. I miss my parents. I miss being able to bake cookies whenever I feel like it. I miss not having to do dishes because my dad loved to do dishes :-) I miss my old job... yeah, I said it. I miss Target. I miss playing Nancy Drew games. I miss my friends. I just miss my home.

B) I feel like a terrible/rude/horrible/mean person.

C) I miss Gabe :(

D) the weather outside is frightful. I don't think I will ever get better from being sick 2 weeks ago. because I walk around outside in the freezing cold all day. I feel like I'm going to develop a wicked tolerance for the cold this winter, though :]

E) our heater is so loud, it wakes me up at night.

F) I'm stressed.

G) my mittens with the finger flaps are falling apart already. now I have to find someone willing to give me a ride to Walmart to exchange them.

some good things:

1- today was easy. I took a nap and I only had to work for an hour.

2- I don't have to go to psych tomorrow.

3- I made some serious prog on my paint-by-numbers :]

4- I watched Survivor.

5- skype :)

6- my rain boots will get here on Monday, hopefully!

7- Alyssass shared her candy corn with me. I love candy corn.

8- my paper chain is getting short :) time is going by fast :)

9- there are more good things than weird things on this list.

10- I'm alive.

the end.


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