Wednesday, November 2, 2011

new house.

this has been a craze week so far. 

um, so I decided to stay down here next semester.

on Tuesday night, we painted bricks in our hallway. usually, only the honors hall gets to do this, but since we are the last ones here, we got to go crazy. Chelsea had already moved out... tear :'( , so I painted one for her... us.

that stands for Best Roommates Forever.

when I took a step back, I realized that it kinda looks like BARF.

then I painted my brick....


then I registered for classes.
I got every one that I wanted.

OH, also, I went to Walmart, but I didn't bring my wallet, obviously because I'm poor, and GUESS WHAT.
if you haven't seen the movie 
Dennis The Menace,
it is hilarious. 
and it was on sale for 5 bucks.
five. dollars.
that's a steal.

but again, no wallet.
so I hid it in some socks.
and I'm going back and getting it... someday.
is that bad?

today, this is what happened...

in between math and psych, I went home to look for housing for next semester, and I decided to call about a house that my friend moved into yesterday, and the landlord owns the house next door as well and he told me that there is an open spot RIGHT NOW.

so I went and saw it.
and it was real cute. 
and very not expensive.

and so I called my dad,
said a prayer,
finished packing,

( goodbye, Juniper :( :( )

and now I am here.

my room is twice the size of my old one.
that's nice.

it is quiet.
that's also nice.

enough said.

storage space.

free laundry.

cable tv.

the two downsides:

the sink part of the bathroom is literally 1.5 feet wide. 
not kidding.


there is no outlet on my side of the room.........
ha, awesome.

I don't care. 
I found an apartment all by myself.
I'm so grown up :) 

when I first moved in and started setting everything up, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
it is just so different.
it's going to take some getting used to, but I think it's going to be great :) I am happy.

I will post a picture tour sometime in the near future, when my room looks presentable. 

just bare, I had to go eat some applesauce because I realized that I haven't eaten since 5:00.
I was starving.

also, I need a desk.
and some drawers.

and sleep.


p.s. I left my trophies on my windowsill just for kicks.

I'm sad to see them go...

okay, bye for realzzzz.

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