Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the living room...

I just realized that people who don't know me that read my blog,
(that is, assuming that people who don't know me ACTUALLY read my blog. which probs isn't truthful..)
PROBABLY think I'm bipole. 
(short for bipolar. okay, I abbreviate a lot of things.)
sometimes I have bad days, alright?


this post is going to be rand. because Alyssass told me to post today, and I said "about what?!". so it's about nothing in partic.

right now, I'm sitting in "The Living Room" on camp.
I just ate a turkey sandwich. it was pretty good. 
now I'm eating cinnamon teddy grahams and chocolate milk.
it's quite enjoyable.

but in 10 minutes, I have to get up and walk to psychology... wonderful. I have a test on about 8 chapters that I haven't even started reading yet... on Friday.

oh, I live in a hotel. did you know that?
yeah. Stratford Court Hotel.
it's nice. I like it.
it's too far away, though.

oh, also, it's cold. there is like 4 feet of snow here...
okay, that was an exagg.

I am in love with a man named Peter Bradley Adams.
go listen to this guy. he is amazing.

hhh, this song is so beaut.

I love watching people. hahaha. 
I am really good at reading people.
I think it's from watching every single episode of Lie To Me.
I love that show.

dang it. I have to go to class. fine.

I crack myself up.
I think I'm so funny. 
I hope you people do too.

I'm going to get scoliosis from sitting against this wall.


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