(brace yourself for an unorganized post)
I do not spend my Saturday night like most college folk.
I woke up at noon today. I love sleeping in.
it's the best when you don't have to wake up to an alarm.
as soon as I was conscious, my body reminded me that I hadn't eaten in about 15 hours. so I had a cinnamon roll. and juice. it was delish.
then I watched a few episodes of That 70's Show.
(Netflix controls my weekends)
then I shaved my legs. it had been a really long time.
I was using "no shave november" as an excuse for being lazy, but every time I put pants on, it was like all of my hairs were being pulled out. ouch. TMI?
I just took this picture. my hair is so bloody long:
you love my cute/creeptastic half smile.
then I watched House Hunters International.
I want to travel so bad.
also, I love houses.
then I had a stroke of productivity and cleaned/organized my room.
including the bathroom. and I hate cleaning the bathroom.
my moth and fath would be so proud.
so, my hair falls out. a lot. as a result, is a ton of hair on the floor in front of the sink. (nast, I know) and I have no idea how to get my hands on the vacuum, so I had the BRILLIANT idea to take my lint roller to the carpet.
on account of: I spent the next 3 minutes dry-heaving.
that was the end of me cleaning...
I'm obsessed with my apple spice febreeze.
it smells like christmas :)
now I'm listening to 'N Sync and Avril Lavigne and blogging.
so, why would I leave my apartment when I can spend it alone doing stuff that I actually enjoy?
I feel like this picture describes my life perfectly, except for I would never be at a party in the first place. but still.
I have this little whiteboard that's stuck to my headboard with sticky tack, but it's not strong enough to hold it up for very long. so it falls off about 3 times per day.
but I put it back up each and every time.
for the past 2 weeks.
that's really silly of me, huh?
this is my dinner tonight. holler.
oh, also, I really want a kitten.
I just died a little bit.
okay, have a great night, people.
p.s. exactly one month. 30 daysssssssssss <3 <3 <3
Jana has the vacuum. The difficult part is actually catching her.