Monday's episode bored me, and just in case you were uncertain... Sean is an outdoorsy guy. And do they really give them only one hour to pack their bags? Because that is an impossible task.
Lindsay's date:
-Naturally, they fly in a helicopter to their destination, which is the top of a mountain, and I don't see any glaciers. They picnic and make out.
-Lindsay is cute. Also, they can't stop kissing.
-I just want to throw my opinion out there... Sean isn't even that cute.
-Classic Bachelor concert scene, with a musician that nobody knows.
Group Date:
-First of all, did anyone hear Daniella say "are those dogs?" as they walked towards the GOATS??
-Chris Harrison is really good at lying, especially when he says things like, "I've randomly drawn names for each team". That is the biggest load of crap.
-I'm sorry, but Sean's (or rather, ABC's) ideas of fun dates are getting more horrible, and life-risking. I would rather have drown myself in that pond than drink warm goat's milk. Des is a brave girl.
-Tierra sneaks into the date, after putting her boots on without socks. WITHOUT SOCKS!! Also, when she put her hands over Sean's eyes, did he not look downright pissed off?!
Dun-dun-dun, the dreaded 2-on-1 date:
-Does anyone else get legitimately scared when Tierra laughs? Either the producers doing the interviews are hilarious comedians, or she's just a maniac. I'm leaning towards the second option.
-Jackie goes home because she talks about Tierra behind her back.
Cocktail Party:
-Robyn didn't have to go pick a fight with Tierra.
-Tierra disgusts me, but I'm glad she got another rose. I want to keep her around, just for the drama.
-The best quote of the night was when she was ugly-crying to Sean, "It's just FUSTRATING for me, because I am such a nice girl!!" Mind you, she says "fustrating". With no R.
Tuesday Night
First, let's take a few minutes to watching Sean hiking to the top of the Canadian Rockies in nothing more than a sweater. That's realistic.
Catherine's date:
-ABC can't even give Catherine a warm coat while she waits for Sean in a blizzard. Jerks.
-They frolic in the snow for a while, drink some cocoa on the side of a mountain, then get frostbite.
-Catherine says, "I never get cold when I'm with him", which is a lie.
-They ride to an ice castle and sit by a fire. Sean chisels some ice from an ice block into a drink for Catherine, and that makes me laugh.
-I don't think they have chemistry.
Group Date:
-I'm sorry, Sarah is a really nice person, but if she doesn't want people to focus on the fact that she has one arm, she shouldn't keep talking about how every date is a physical challenge for her.
-Selma laughs like a crazy person.
-Tierra fakes hypothermia to get attention. That's all I'm going to say about that.
-Lesly calls Tierra a "tierrorist". She is my favorite.
Desiree's date:
-They repel down a cliff, and Des relates the experience to a relationship. Gag me.
-They actually eat food at their picnic, and then they climb a tree.
-They are cute together.
Cocktail Party:
-Sean sends Sarah home, because she said she might like him to meet her family if their relationship grew. It was sad.
-Daniella goes home, which is no surprise, and Selma goes home because she doesn't make out with Sean every time they're together.
Blah. Two episodes in one week is too much to handle.
And did you notice how on Catherine's date, it was "lightly snowing and so romantic!" but only outside the roof-less igloo castle thing. Me and D think the camera people were just throwing paper around.