Monday, August 20, 2012

things I am excited about.

I am excited for my new job.
I work at Bath & Body Works now.
it may turn into a situation where I basically get paid in lotion and candles.
because I really love good smells.

I am excited to go to North Carolina in 3 weeks for a family reunion.
I need more swimming suits because we are staying in a beach house in Outer Banks.
(picture every Nicholas Sparks movie ever made... that's where I'm going.)

I am excited for school to start because I'm taking fun classes.
astronomy, meteorology, interior design, social work, rock climbing. bam.
(I am not, however, excited about how flipping much tuition and books cost.)

I am excited for a special little piece of jewelry to wear... hopefully soon..

I am excited to go hang out with my love tonight :)

song for today:

I am Mine
Brooke Waggoner

p.s. this last weekend was filled with swimming, boating, cliff jumping, getting sunburned, laughing, magic, holding cute babies, and driving. it was fun times.



  1. Special little piece of jewelry? Girl, are you hinting at what I think you're hinting at?!

  2. Remember how we work in the same place and randomly saw each other from a distance the other day? True story.

  3. I am with this what I think it is????!!! :)
