Saturday, December 10, 2011

my life is boring.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while..

finally, classes are over. also, work.

I've spent the past 48 hours in my room.....


I'm so bored.

and so very hungry. I haven't had a decent meal since Thursday.

I move my stuff into my new place on Thursday. 
maybe Wednesday night.

and I leave Cedar City, FINALLY, on Thursday at approximately 1:30pm. I AM SO EXCITED.

then..... THEN!!! on December 20, 2011, this will happen to me:

:_) I'm so excited... :)

so, that's my exciting life right now.


warning: from here on out, this blog post will probably only appeal to one person in particular, maybe two, maybe three.
read it if you want.

Alexis, here is your shout out:
 you didn't watch that video, did you? 
I didn't think so. 
scroll back up and WATCH IT forcryingoutloud.
no, seriously, go watch it.
you hate this post so far, huh? 
let's see if I can interest you by writing a long post about how I feel about something...

how do I feel about.....................
I can't think of anything.

I'll just write a story.

once upon a time, there was a girl named.... Aleesass (pronounced uh-LEE-suss). She was not your average college freshman. She was a little bit awkward, and she had a weird obsession with popcorn and a boy named.... Jaqueline. during her stay at Jupiter hall, she became friends with an incredibly witty, hilarious, awesome, humble girl named.... Amelia (pronounced uh-MEE-lee-yuh). together, they suffered through many obstacles, including constantly being fed horrible food that even a dog wouldn't touch, and being thrown out on the street in the middle of winter. 
one time, Aleesass stopped coming to math class every day. Amelia started to worry. Aleesass told her that she was convinced she would fail out of math class. Amelia was having none of that, so she gave an inspirational speech to Aleesass, in the form of a made-up tale, who then realized her amazing potential and aced her final exam.
then they both lived happily ever after.
Amelia in her tiny house on the east coast with 3 kittens,
and Aleesass in Valdosta, Georgia with Jaqueline.

the end.


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