1 I live in Orem again. I moved back in with my parents.
and it's great. I don't know why I ever left. I'm such a homebody.
I love my family. and I love Utah County.
2 I got all A's in school. it makes me feel really good about myself.
3 I have a job, and I actually like it. a whole lot.
4 I can go to the store any time I want.
5 I can go to Comedy Sportz every weekend if I want.
and I just might.
6 I went to the Miranda show.
it was amazing.
I wanted to cry, I was so happy.
7 picnics :)
8 J.Wride shows <3
9 did I mention Comedy Sportz?!?!?!?!
10 living in the same place as Gabe for the first time in like a year :)
(this picture.... is awkward because I look like I'm twice the size of that guy. and I have a lazy eye.)
11 picking out paint for my new room.
umm... life in general is pretty great :)
song for today:
The Civil Wars